Personal Development

How to top up your cup of self-care

Do you ever forget to take care yourself? It was hard to find the time to do what I loved. I was told by her that she considered it selfish.

Things you don’t like doing

It’s not unusual to do things that you don’t enjoy in order to make others happy.

Take care

You are a person who spends a lot of your time caring for others. This can lead to a loss in joy and well-being.

Approval sought

You need to find support from others in order to feel happy and successful.

Feeling guilt

Feel guilty about many things. Turn your anger inward.

Remain calm

It’s common to keep your talents hidden in order to help others succeed.

Being indecisive

Indecisive, you have difficulty making simple decisions.

False statements

You lie and cover things up because you worry about what other people think.

You’re a doormat

People walk all over you and you don’t even know it.

Speak up

It can be difficult to speak up.

  1. Plan in proper “Me Time” each week.
  2. Plan your week. Make sure you have a break for lunch.
  3. Look for people like you.
  4. Feel confident about yourself and take charge of your life
  5. Add movement and yoga to your week.
  6. Daily meditation for between 10 and 30 min
  7. Know when it’s time for you to take a deep, slow breath and stop. Recognize the signals that your body sends.
  8. A “Me Day” can be booked once a month.
  9. Have a good time! Share a good laugh with your loved ones or enjoy a comedy.