Personal Development

The Hidden Secret to Happiness

Amazon lists more than 100,000 results when you search for "happiness books". This is just books. This doesn't contain all of the podcasts, documentaryaries, articles, or other content. It is difficult to find happiness in this world of more security and…

For your human growth, embrace change

You will experience many changes in your daily life.Parents are often too protective of their children, refusing them to fail, learn, and try again. This parenting role is not only about protecting their children from the difficulties of life, but also from a financial…

Four ways to make work meaningful

Many people don't enjoy their work life.These stories can be attributed largely to the complex society in which we live every day. This society sees only what is finished and not what it takes to get there. It is a society which focuses on the end product and not…

How to top up your cup of self-care

Do you ever forget to take care yourself? It was hard to find the time to do what I loved. I was told by her that she considered it selfish. Things you don't like doing It's not unusual to do things that you don’t enjoy in order to make others happy. Take care…