Parents are often too protective of their children, refusing them to fail, learn, and try again. This parenting role is not only about protecting their children from the difficulties of life, but also from a financial perspective.
Many of my friends are Trust Fund beneficiaries. Trust Fund beneficiaries are often the ones I have most friends.
Trust Fund kid mentality is also prevalent in the middle and upper-middle class. This is because parents try to protect their children from failing and then finding another way.
Parents allow their children to learn to walk on their own. A broken bone will heal in six to eight week, but a broken spirit that is afraid to try something new will last forever.
Confidence is based on being able do the right thing when it’s needed. Having a track record of success is a sign of confidence.
One or two children in school are confident and become leaders of the class. They acquired it by being confident, challenging themselves and failing.
Life’s victories and losses begin in childhood, when children look up to their siblings and parents as role models. I will bring your back.
This is the way to build inner self-confidence. My acronym is “CHANGE”. It stands for Clearing Healing and New Gifts Development.
As you let go of unnecessary fear, replace it with optimism, and achieve success, the process of change becomes one of growth.
Victors are ready to make such changes.
Trust Fund Kids are the real Trust Fund Kids. They have their Trust Fund which helps them deal with everyday challenges.