I felt overwhelmed when I began my first business as an interpreter. My mind was in overdrive, and I became anxious about all the stressful situations. Meditation was enough for me to believe that I had found a powerful method of peace of my mind. I have never looked back. Meditation became a daily habit and I eventually became a certified mediator to share the benefits with others. Recent years have seen a sharpening of the focus on our sleep “ Published in JAMA Internal Medicine (2015). A half of the participants completed the mindfulness awareness training, while the other received education on sleeping hygiene. The programs provided new methods to improve their sleep quality. Six sessions resulted in a reduction of insomnia, fatigue, and depression. Herbert Benson, an early pioneering scientist in scientific meditation research, coined the term “The Relaxation Response”. This counterbalances fight or flight. Dr. Dr. Benson discovered that many people have sleep problems that are closely linked to stress. A study at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center’s Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program showed that meditators produce more melatonin than non-meditators. This hormone regulates circadian rhythms. It induces sleep, and makes us feel more alert. It is important to consider the context of these findings. It is important to consider the context. These thoughts are often related to a problem that was solved the day before. If I had struggled to fall asleep again, I would not have found it easy. Now I can go to sleep quickly thanks to a few simple meditation techniques. I focus on the breath and release tension every time I inhale.
- A good “sleep quality is a combination of the practices that maximize a night’s restful sleep. Matthew Walker’s “Why we Sleep” is a great resource.
- You can reduce screen time by limiting or stopping using your TV or devices at least one hour before bed.
- It is possible to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
- Try a slow deep stretch before going to bed. This relaxes tension and shifts the focus of the mind.